Justin's Subkick Test

6.5” speakers (pictured below)

Paper Cone

subkicktest_papercone.mp3  (graph right below) – seems to have more air to my ears, I preferred this one

Polypropylene Cone

subkicktest_polycone.mp3  (graph left below) – seems a bit “harder” might be good for metal

Kick Tracks use no processing – drums aligned for phase and time using Sound Radix Auto Align.  The inside kick mic which is blended with both is a CAD KBM412. Preamp used was a Focusrite OctoPre going into a Digidesign 192 Digital via ADAT lightpipe at 44.1 into Pro Tools 12.6 HD (W/C is Apogee Big Ben). Guitar and Bass using Bluecat Destructor plugin which is the bomb!


Papercone is first 2 images, Polycone is bottom 2 images

Other companies that sell Subkick mics

MDB Northwest Music – Deep Kick (sells mostly ebay $150)



SOLOMON MiCS - LoFReQ  - Sells in retailers ($200-$250)



DW Drums – Moon Mic - $399



Note: popular Yamaha subkick is no longer made/sold and getting harder to find used. Old NS10 woofers are a popular DIY choice for subkick mics